Multifamily Painting

Make Your Multifamily Repaint a Breeze

S • A • F • E



“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

In our carefully designed and thorough Production Planning Meeting we will identify and solve potential problems before they happen and work out job logistics far ahead of time. This sets your project up to be a stress free and successful.

A nice home with clouds in the background


“The cost of a thing is the amount of what I will call life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Competitive pricing plus exceptional customer experience = highest VALUE.

Don't hire the lowest bidder, hire the heaviest hitter. Getting the job done right the first time is the only way to do it.

One garage painted black next to a garage painted white


“Remember that time is money”
~ Benjamin Franklin

Every extra day your paint job takes is an extra day you could be doing, well, anything else.

We’ve set our company up to do BIG jobs FAST by assembling the largest crews of professional painters in town. Rely on our tried and true systems to keep large crews neat, organized, on task and efficient.

A Central Point apartment complex painted by us.


Our Tenant Communication Program is designed to save you time and headaches, eliminate unprepared or uninformed tenants, and ensure a smooth operation.

Your tenants will recieve detailed information that keeps them in the loop on when painting is occuring to make sure the project gets finished with no problems.

A Medford apartment complex on Riverside near Jaspers Cafe taken at sunset.
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